Corey Whichard

Graduate Student Assistant Alumni




Corey Whichard was a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology and Criminology at Penn State University. His research interests include corrections, prisoner re-entry, life course studies, and social network analysis. His research has appeared in Criminology and the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. Recently, Corey has assisted in collecting both survey and qualitative data from inmates in multiple prisons as part of the Prison Inmate Networks Study (PINS), Re-Entry Prison Inmate Network Study (R-PINS), and Therapeutic Community Prison Inmate Network Study (TC-PINS). For his dissertation, Corey is collecting longitudinal network data from soon-to-be-released inmates that tracks the evolving structure and content of their social relationships during the first year of their release. Corey’s dissertation research is part of the larger mixed-methods R-PINS study, which uses a combination of in-depth interviews and egocentric network data to examine how re-entrants’ social relationships influence the re-entry process. Before joining the Justice Center in Fall of 2016, Corey received his M.A. in Criminology from Penn State University and his B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Creative Writing from the University of Houston.

Corey is currently an Assistant Professor, at the School of Criminal Justice, at SUNY Albany.