University Park Faculty Affiliates

CJRC affiliates are faculty members who have received CJRC support or who are currently conducting research relevant to the CJRC mission. If you are interested in becoming a CJRC faculty affiliate, please send a request and description of how your work relates to the CJRC mission to

Liberal Arts Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Center Director from July 2017 to June 2021
(814) 867-0217
Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Policy
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography
Professor of Criminology and Sociology
Associate Professor of Sociology
Associate Teaching Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor of Geography and Demography
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography
Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Assistant Director of the Rock Ethics Institute
Assistant Professor of Public Policy
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Professor, Human Development and Family Studies
Professor of Psychology
Professor of Philosophy and Latina/o Studies
Affiliate Professor in the School of International Affairs
Associate Professor of Sociology, Criminology, and Public Policy
Associate Professor of Education
Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Professor of Sociology, Criminology, and Demography
John Kramer Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Harry and Elissa Sichi Early Career Professor of Sociology, Demography, and Social Data Analytics and Professor of Sociology & Demography
Professor of Sociology and Criminology