Criminal Justice Research Center Seed Funding Request For Proposals Due October 30

The Criminal Justice Research Center announces our annual seed funding request for proposals.

Applications will be due on Friday, October 30, 2020, with awards announced in December, 2020. We hope to fund 3-5 proposals, with details outlined in the attached documents.

The CJRC is funded through the College of the Liberal Arts and has the primary mission of supporting research in the areas of criminal justice and criminology. We are seeking seed funding proposals for projects in the early stages of development, with priority given to those targeting external funding opportunities and in one or more of the centerโ€™s current themes:

(1) Courts and Sentencing

(2) Corrections and Community Re-Entry

(3) Treatment and Rehabilitation

(4) Public Safety and Crime Prevention

To see a description of the funding mechanism and proposal requirements click here.

If there are colleagues that you think may be interested, please forward this announcement to them.