Ashley Rodriguez

CJRC Graduate Student

1017 Oswald Tower

University Park, PA 16802


Ashley Rodriquez


Ashley E. Rodriguez started in August as a Graduate Student at the CJRC. Ashley is a Ph.D. student in Criminology at Penn State. Her research interests include judicial decision-making, pretrial and sentencing case processing, pretrial risk assessments, and disparities in the criminal-legal system.

Ashley received her B.S. in Criminology, Law and Society from George Mason University. While at GMU, she worked as a research assistant at the Early Justice Strategies Lab examining bail reform strategies, racial disparities at various points of the criminal-legal system, judicial decision-making in a pretrial context, and graduated supervision strategies. Additionally, GMUโ€™s Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities and Research (OSCAR) funded her vignette study on risk assessment use and risk communication in pretrial decision-making from the perspective of courtroom decision-makers. In addition, she participated in a National Science Foundation-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the University of South Carolina. During this project, she studied disparities in virtual bond hearings during the COVID-19 pandemic.