Robert Hutchison

Graduate Student Assistant Alumni
Robert Hutchison Headshot


Robert Hutchison is a doctoral candidate at Penn State University and joined the Justice Center in 2012.  Robert received his MA in Crime, Law, and Justice from Penn State University, and his thesis looked at the relationships among peer influence, ADHD, and delinquency as a test of social learning, self-control, and life-course criminology theories.  He has previously worked on projects related to the re-entry of rural offenders in Pennsylvania and secondary trauma associated with the death penalty.

Robert’s research interests include corrections, social network analysis, life-course criminology, peer influence, and testing criminological theories.  He is currently working on projects related to burglary co-offending networks, court actor networks, racial discrimination and the death penalty, deterrence and the death penalty, and prison inmate networks.

Prior to his graduate work at Penn State University, Robert received a BA in Criminal Justice from Cal State University – Bakersfield and an MBA from the University of Phoenix (on-ground campus).

Robert is currently a Senior Research Fellow at Measures For Justice, Rochester, NY.