Ed earned his Master’s degree in Criminological Research at the University of Cambridge, and his thesis explored the possible childhood risk and protective factors of leaders that help perpetuate mass killings. Ed has also worked as a paralegal assisting York County Children Youth and Families in which he helped prepare caseworkers and attorneys for trial, managed databases related to case seriousness and conducted searches for adoptive resources using legal research tools. For his undergraduate education at Messiah College, Mr. Hayes studied both Criminal Justice and Accounting, and minored in Psychology. While at Messiah he worked as a research assistant for Dauphin County Juvenile Probation and helped collect data on family involvement in the juvenile justice system.
Ed joined the Justice Center in September 2014 upon finishing his Master’s degree at the University of Cambridge. He primarily assisted in the Administration of the Death Penalty in Pennsylvania study by traveling to courthouses for data collection and attorney interviews, and by entering and cleaning data. Mr. Hayes also worked on the Prison Inmates Networks Study in which he interviewed two waves of inmates at a state penitentiary. Outside of these studies, Mr. Hayes provided assistance to the Justice Center by writing for grant proposals and by managing the Justice Center’s Twitter account. Ed is currently working in the Peace Corps as a Community Economic Development Promoter in Costa Rica.