The Criminal Justice Research Center Criminology Forum welcomes Jacob Schuman, J.D. Assistant Professor of Law, Penn State University, Affiliate Faculty of Penn State’s Criminal Justice Research Center, and Affiliate Faculty of Penn State’s Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse. In this talk, “The Law of Mass Supervision,” Jacob Schuman will recount his experiences as a public defender in Philadelphia representing criminal defendants charged with violating their supervised release, followed by his journey to the faculty at Penn State Law School, where he studies criminal law, criminal procedure, and sentencing. Drawing on his legal scholarship, Professor Schuman will explain the law and history of community supervision at the federal level – including probation, parole, and supervised release. He will show how the courts’ failure to appreciate the important differences between these systems has led them to deny defendants’ constitutional rights and advance a highly punitive regime of “mass supervision.” This event is co-sponsored by the Criminal Justice Research Center and the Department of Sociology and Criminology.
Wednesday, December 9
Zoom Link:
12:00 – 1:00 PM