New book titled Moving Beyond Recidivism: Expanding Approaches to Research on Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration features article on “Collecting Social Network Data in Prison and During Re-Entry: A Field Guide.” The article discusses collecting prison network data and the authors include Corey Whichard, CJRC Graduate Student Alumni now an Assistant Professor at SUNY Albany, Sara Wakefield, Associate Professor at Rutgers University, and Derek Kreager, CJRC Director.
Full Citation: Whichard, Corey, Sara Wakefield, and Derek A. Kreager. 2020. “Collecting Social Network Data in Prison and During Re-Entry: A Field Guide.” Pp. 81-99 in Moving Beyond Recidivism: Expanding Approaches to Research on Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration, edited by A. Leverentz, E. Chen, and J. Christian. New York: NYU Press.